Whale Hammer Games
Based in Canberra, Australia
Founding date:
July 1st, 2013
Press / Business Contact:
Tahira Echoes Of The Astral Empire
+61 404200017
Whale Hammer Games is a three person independent Australian game developer. Our debut title is Tahira: Echoes of the Astral Empire.
Getting the Gang TogetherPeter C and Tom grew up together, playing and making games from an early age. While studying 3D animation at the Academy of Interactive Entertainment, Peter C met Peter S, who had just published his book, ‘Practical Anatomy for Artists’. Meanwhile Tom was completing his degree in software development. All three graduated at the end of 2012 and after taking some time off to recharge, they founded the company and began development on their first game, Tahira: Echoes of the Astral Empire.
Developing TahiraDevelopment of Tahira began in July 2013. In September of the same year Whale Hammer Games successfully applied for funding from the Screen ACT Development fund. In March 2015 Whale Hammer Games launched a Kickstarter Campaign to raise funds for the game. The campaign raised $68,700 and a concurrent Greenlight campaign saw Tahira Greenlit for Steam in a week. On August 31st, Tahira was released for PC, Mac and Linux on Steam, GOG.com and the Humble Store.
Release Date Announcement Trailer YouTube
Kickstarter Trailer YouTube
There are far more images available for Whale Hammer Games, but these are the ones we felt would be most useful to you. If you have specific requests, please do contact us!
Logo & Icon
Awards & Recognition
- "Recipient of the 2013 ACT Screen Development Fund" - http://www.screenact.com.au/pages/fundingandinitiatives/previousfunding.htm
- "Raised $68,700 on Kickstarter to fund the development of Tahira." - https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/whalehammergames/tahira-echoes-of-the-astral-empire-turn-based-tact
Additional Links
Crowdfunding call for refugee-inspired video game
The Canberra Times covered the Tahira Kickstarter Campaign canberratimes.com.au.
Tahira aims for the stars to escape a beautiful, dying planet
Kill Screen covered the Tahira Kickstarter Campaign killscreendaily.com.
Preview: Tahira: Echoes of the Astral Empire
Digitally Downloaded previewed an Alpha Build of Tahira digitallydownloaded.net.
Tahira: Echoes of the Astral Empire Kickstarter
The Tahira Kickstarter Campaign. kickstarter.com.
Team & Repeating Collaborators
Peter Castle
Writing and Marketing, Whale Hammer Games
Tom Cox
Game Design and Programming, Whale Hammer Games
Peter Simpson
Art, Whale Hammer Games
Brendan Holyland
Sound Design, Freelancer
Max LL
Music, Freelancer
presskit() by Rami Ismail (Vlambeer) - also thanks to these fine folks